In-Service Videos
…we have had no secondary device-related wound issues. In fact, we’ve had 6-7 patients fall while wearing [your Rooke BKA protector] and they did not dehisce or convert to an AKs.
N. Joseph Shamp CPO
Chief Prosthetic/Orthotic Lab, James A. Haley VA Medical CenterSince routinely using Rooke boots…I cannot remember the last time one of our patients developed a decubitus heel ulcer while on our service.
Gregory J. Landry, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, OHSU School of MedicineAll of my patients who undergo distal revascularization wear the boot in the postop course to provide maximal dilatation which helps to assure patency of even very difficult distal bypasses.
Peter Gloviczki, M.D.
Professor of Surgery, Vice-Chai, Division of Vascular Surgery, Mayo ClinicI am happy to write a letter in support of [the Rooke Boot]. [I put it on] all my patients with peripheral vascular disease.
Robert B. McLafferty, M.D.
Product Manager, SisyphusI am a firm believer in the effectiveness of the Rooke boot. Both times they were brought in ... the incidence of heel ulcers has decreased.”
Jeanne Knecht RN, CWON
Benefits Healthcare